
 河合隼雄先生ご逝去後、西村先生はかつてアメリカに滞在して分析を受けられたシュピーゲルマン(Spiegelman,J.M.)先生に会いに行かれました。その前に西村先生が出されたメールです。メールが保存されていたUSBには更新の日付は2011年11月11日となっていますが、このアメリカ行きのことは先生ご自身がブログに書かれており(旅行の目的は 2011/6/24 座禅の経験 2011/6/25 あの牛が食べたい 2011/6/23)実際にメールが出されたのは2011年6月よりも前だと思われます。







Dear Marvin Spiegelman sensei


I am sorry my return to your mail was delayed.

In the middle of October I had caught flu and cough continued so long.

Now I am well in the week.


I want to talk to you about the situation after the death of Prof Kawai.

After Kawai, Jung psychology disappeared in Japan. Instead of it the cognitive and behavioral psychology has spread in medical and educational area. I think Kawai sensei had gone away at good timing.


In the association of Sand Play without Kawai the board member drove me to run away from the board. I had got out of there at once.

The Association of the Sand Play awarded Sachiko the Prize of the Association at length. But in the Conference entrée members were very few.


I had been suppressed by the Great Kawai sensei so long time. I am free now.

3 years ago I read the book of Jung, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”, and found the word “ psychoid base” in it. This word hit me.

I understood the Tao , written in the Laotu No 21, and then had insight that Kawai pursued this Tao, on Psychoid base only in meditation.

The Tao is in the psychoid base. We can find it under the process of dreams and sand play series.

I am now pursuing the Tao on the dream and Sand Play in me and client.

Due to this way of thinking I have practiced psychotherapy and all cases are almost successful. I presented one of it Jun.

I meet to my deep process, so client see his deep psyche, then client get good encounter outside. Last year four clients got marriage partner. This is the secret of the depth psychology.


I want to talk about these. But my English is not enough for it. I am sorry.

I am happy I could see you healthy. Please take care health and continue to your practice, then we will be able to meet again.

Best wishes

Sueo Nishimura


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